COVID-19 & Cats


  • Research from Cornell finds that cats appear to be at least mildly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection from humans (reverse zoonosis). There is no evidence that cats can transmit SARS-CoV-2 to humans, however, our responsibility is to keep all our boarders safe & free from illness.  No cats will be admitted with symptoms of wheezing, sneezing, weeping eyes / nose without a letter from their vet that they are non-contagious (have asthma, etc).

  • We are FULLY vaccinated & careful to limit possible exposure of Covid (or any virus) to our charges.

  • Our business is heavily linked to the travel industry. For obvious reasons, it is safer for us to keep clients frequenting travel/high traffic locations (airports, theme parks, public transportation, etc.) from walking through our kennel/home & inevitably coughing & sneezing (prior to Covid it occured regularily!!)

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