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Changes effective 5/1/24

Valentina DaCosta • Feb 23, 2024

Effective  5.1.24, after 15 years, we've made the hard decision to raise our rates

For the past 15 years, we've strived to keep our prices stable and affordable. However, due to factors beyond our control, we've had to make the difficult decision to adjust our rates by 10%, effective 5.1.24.

Here's why:

  • Rising costs: Like everyone else, we're facing increased expenses. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation, has risen 63.7% in the last 15 years. This impacts everything from the cost of litter and food for our furry friends to staff wages and operating expenses*
  • Increased quality: We're committed to providing the best possible care for our guests, and that means investing in quality products and services. The cost of  litter, comfortable beds, and specialized care has risen significantly, which we've absorbed for as long as possible.
  • Fair compensation: We value our dedicated team, and ensuring they receive fair compensation is crucial. The cost of living has increased, and we've adjusted wages to reflect the current market and ensure we attract and retain the best talent.

We understand this price adjustment might be unpopular and we appreciate your understanding. We've carefully considered this decision and are confident it allows us to continue providing the outstanding service your cats  deserves while operating sustainably.

You can find more detailed information about the CPI and historical data on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website:

We're here to answer any questions you may have, and we appreciate your continued trust in us!

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