
Standard horizontal boarding unit in cat hotel kennel
standard vertical cat boarding unit


Large enough to comfortably house 1 guest - non window units, however, most have interior views of either Aquariums or Parakeet cage. Located in our main room. All Guests spend time in our playroom (never with other cats) to stretch their legs, watch the parakeets, outside feeders or play with the interactive laser pointer or iPad.

2 CONNECTING STANDARD UNITS:  $44.00 Large enough to comfortably house 2-3 guests from the same household - non window units, however, most have interior views of either Aquariums or Parakeet cage. Located in our main room. They also have the ability to close a door between the cats if necessary for feeding purposes or spats. All Guests spend time in our playroom (never with other cats) to stretch their legs, watch the parakeets, outside feeders or play with the interactive laser pointer or iPad.

Standard cat boarding unit in hotel kennel clinton ct
connecting door standard cat kennel units
connecting standard cat boarding units
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